Google Product Forum
Google holds itself the most useful services around the internet and the very best platforms are Gmail, YouTube, Blogger, Images, News etc. Google help forums are officially called Google product forums where users get support on specific topic within Google products area. Every Google account holder can join Google product forums, posting a new topic and answer other people's threads. The most helpful and regular users of the community are selected as Top Contributors who are highly knowledgeable, skilled and experienced spokesman around the community. To get links from Google product forums you have to be a regular active user, answer people's threads and post relevant and most appreciated topics that users can find helpful and embed links of your internal pages if you feel they are quite relevant to the topic.
Google Business
Adding your Google plus page to Google business you can get
connected with customers, whether they’re looking for you on
Search, Maps, Google+ or mobile devices. With Google
business you can get following privileges 1.Show up across Google 2.Give
customers the right info 3.Build lasting relationship. To take part in
Google business you have to create Google plus page for your website
that provides services then add your page to Google business and finally
customers will find you on Google maps. Read following guide to setup
your business with Google.
Google News
Google news is a free news aggregator provided and powered by
Google inc, selecting the best out of the latest information from
thousands of publications by an automatic aggregation algorithm. Google
news supports sites having updated within day with the hottest and
trending topics. To get your site included in Google News you have to
apply for inclusion but your site must be primarily qualified before
applying to Google News team. Once your site gets approved you will see
greatest improvements in traffic by Google news and all of the links are
do follow having PR8.
Google Images
Google web search distributes over billions of links daily, as part of
their business they distribute the same volume of links via Images
service. Google images is a search service owned by Google
(introduced in July 2001) allowing users to search the Web for image
content. Keywords that are used for image search are based on the
filename of image, the link
text pointing to the image, and text adjacent to the image(Alt tags).
When your pages get ranked on Google web search also the relevant images
attached with the article get ranked on Google images. Depend on the
URL age, social shares, comments and inbound links images get ranked.
Google images is the potential source of getting inbound links to your
internal pages and all of them are do follow links. Read following guide
for image optimization
Google Plus
Google+ is a social networking and identity service, owned and
operated by Google Inc. Google has described Google+ as a "Social Layer"
that proudly enhances many of its online properties, and that it is not
only a social networking website but also authorship tool that
associates web content directly with its owner/author. It has come to
the social networking competition with facebook, twitter, linked having
540 million monthly active users are part of the Identity service site.
Making sure the right use of Google plus can help you to drive more
traffic to your personal blog or website. You must have a big friend
circle in you so that your posts will get instant exposure after being
released. You can also join communities, hangouts, create pages for your
blog/website and enhance your traffic range and give more power to your
blog readership.
Google Docs
Exactly a free cloud hosting service for creating and hosting different projects, spreadsheet, documents on Google drive
can be a great source of traffic and also getting links from PR8 to
your internal pages. To get the highest benefit from drive you have to
be an expert user, create some awesome recipes that are likely to share
on social media bringing more engagement to your internal pages that are
added to your documents and you see great improvements in your monthly
traffic also PR will upgrade. To create and host a simple website on
Google drive that includes your internal pages links is much easy and
requires your html and css skill. Read following guide to create and
host website on Google drive
Once you're successfully done! now it's time to promote your website on
social media, of course you have to add some useful content that users
will find helpful otherwise they will not share it with their friends
and followers.
Google App Engine
Google App Engine (sometimes called GAE or simply App Engine) is a platform as a service (PaaS) cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web application in Google-managed data centers. Applications are normally sandboxed and run across multiple servers. Same as Google drive you can create a simple web application including some valuable content that users find helpful then share on social media.
Once your application gets engaged you will see a reasonable traffic flow to your site through embedded links with your application also your PR will get updated because all of the links are do follow and from PR8. Read following article to create a simple application with Google App Engine.
Google URL Shortener
Google launched URL shortening service couple of years back to help people to shorten their favorite URLs that are relatively long in length and not easy to memorize when they want to get accessed instantly. There are also other URL shortener services available on internet but we will use Google's one because of getting links from a branded site that can enhance our PR. So when we have shortened our URL now it's time to share them on facebook, twitter, google plus, linkedin and get links from Google so only benefit is that our PR will increase.
Google Play
Are you an Android app developer then what are waiting for submit your app to Google play that will cost you $25 as registration fee but you can publish multiple apps and write description the way you want, you can add your internal links so that you will get more traffic and links from PR9. Also you can sell your apps make more money.
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